Dramaturgy: How Lecturers Engage In Impression Management

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Dramaturgy defined that people live their lives much like actors performing on a stage. As we present ourselves in various situations on the frontstage, we are much like actors putting on performances for their audience(Study.com,. 2015). But, if we are at the backstage, there will not be any audience and thus we do not need to perform anything. According to the dramaturgy by Evring Goffman, I would like to critically discuss about how lecturers engage in impression management. According to the dramaturgy, lecturers take the part of an actor in front of students, who are the audience. Lecturers, the actors, play their roles by performing with a “mask” which conceals their true colors on the frontstage whereas students as the audience, are …show more content…

With ingratiation, they can gain favor or approval from students by doing or saying something that the students will appreciate. For example, lecturers tend to compliment their students when they have done something good. If they have written or done things of which they are proud of, the lecturers will show that they have taken time to read their works or study their actions as to be worthy of anyone's time and attention (Changingminds.org, 2015) . In addition, the lecturer can find out the students’ interests, through social media or simply word-of-mouth. It brings up to the initiation in lecturer to start a conversation with students about sports, TV, or school activities, fashion or their other likings. Lecturers can also agree with students’ opinion, wholeheartedly. This can show that they have similar beliefs and values. Lecturers do also tend to smile and nod …show more content…

Intimidation is an act of making someone timid or fear in order to let them obey your orders. For example, most of the lecturers give surprise quizzes and practices in the class to supervise students’ concentration in class and understand students' learning progress (UKEssays, 2015).As a result, students will concentrate in their classes as they are afraid of unpredictable situation. Furthermore, lecturers also intimidate their students by setting the rules of not allowing them to enter the classroom upon15 minutes to the class. Also, students are informed that they will not be allowed to enter the exam if their attendance is lower than 80%. By doing so, students will actively attend their class and not to be absent without reason. Intimidation is also an impression management used by lecturer on the frontstage. It is indeed possible that the lecturers still maintain a good relationship with their students on the

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