Dreams Definition Essay

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Many people question the meaning of their dreams. Dreams can be so bizarre and random, and they have no idea how those ideas got into their brain. What does it mean if a person's dreams consists of having an army of Wookies who like to kick their middle school teacher in the shins? This question concerns many people of how their brain works and why their dreams are so out of the ordinary. By understanding how the brain works, and being able to understand the underlying emotions that drive these goofy dreams, it can allow people to better understand themselves and the emotions they are feeling. Dreams are an extension of a person’s conscience (“Welcome to Dream Central”). There is a lot to learn from dreams. They can tell emotions, worries and a person's conflicts (“Dreams: What They Mean."). Once a person begins to hit puberty, their bodies and minds begin to more drastically change. This also …show more content…

This type of dream can be symbolic of being vulnerable and unprepared (Hearl). Being exposed of fraud is another popular reason for this dream (Hearl). As well as revealing too much emotion and thoughts to other people (Hearl). Another humiliating type of dream is when a person has to use the restroom, but can't find a good one. The most common reason for this dream is that the person actually has to go to the bathroom. But it also can mean they want to relieve a secret or worry (Collier-Thompson). Falling dreams can often be scary. It can mean a feeling of lack of control in their life (Hearl). They could be overwhelmed by some aspect their life, and even have the feeling of life being endless (Hearl). Finding new rooms, on the other hand, can be a self-esteem booster; finding things the person didn’t know they even had(Collier-Thompson). It's important to understand the symbolism of each common dream to be able to make deeper connections to other symbols that apply specifically to a

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