Dress Code Independence

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Declaration of Independence for the Dress Code
When issues become prevalent in one place or area, it becomes mandatory for people to disband their scholastic bonds that have affiliated them with one another. To presume along with the powers of this educational institution, there must be some influence from the opinions of humanity that requires the people to declare the reasons that do not obligate them to the dress-code law.
Students at Fort Worth Country Day School are gifted with innovative and expressive minds, and convey their individuality with their style. Clothing is an essential way of expressing one’s self, but a school dress code takes away the student’s ability to do so. We the students at Fort Worth Country Day School have suffered as a result of not being permitted to express ourselves, and are declaring independence from the School Dress Code Law. …show more content…

Students are required to wear socks that are visible. Students are not allowed to wear colorful socks to express themselves, and are required to wear plain, simple white socks without logos or brands.

Fort Worth Country Day students are required to follow a regulation for leggings. For a student to be able to wear leggings, they must be solid red, white or navy and they must end below the middle of your calf.

The jacket policy at Fort Worth Country Day denies the ability to wear colors other than solid red, navy or white while on campus.

At Fort Worth Country Day there is not a tattoo rule, but there is a rule against piercings and facial hair for men. Fort Worth Country Day students are permitted to have tattoos, but men are not allowed to have piercings that are visible. Facial hair is also a violation of the Upper School Handbook and men are required to shave any facial hair that is

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