Dress Codes And School Uniforms

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School uniforms and dress codes have reasoning behind them but there is also reasoning on why there shouldn’t be dress codes and school uniforms. Many people will argue that they get rid of behavioral problems and distractions but many people will argue the exact opposite. Although, school uniforms can reduce bullying about clothes, there are still many areas to bully kids for. Uniforms and dress codes don’t give first amendment rights of self expression and create more rules and more reasons for kids to get bullied. School uniforms are unfair and ineffective. They abuse first amendment rights, has harsh punishments, and doesn't get rid of bullying. First amendment rights aren’t given with school uniforms. To begin with, in the article …show more content…

It restricts personality to be shown through clothing and is strongly argued about. “Those opposed to mandatory uniforms say uniforms infringe upon students' First Amendment right to freedom of expression, stifle creativity and individualism” (At Issue: School Uniforms). With school uniforms students don't have the rights of first amendment. The uniforms don't let students express themselves or show their personality and creativity. Students express their own unique style and personality through the clothes they wear but school uniforms restrict them from doing that. Secondly, in the article “Dress Code Vs. Free Speech” the author Sherrill Kushner, an attorney and writer is very against school uniforms. She shares her opinion on how school uniforms don’t give first amendment right. “People who oppose school uniforms and dress codes most often argue that such measures violate students' First Amendment right to freedom of speech. They assert that …show more content…

First, in “At Issue: School Uniforms” School administrators believe that school uniforms can reduce disciplinary problems including things like fighting and bullying. “Proponents of school uniforms say uniforms reduce common problems like theft and fighting and allow administrators to easily identify intruders or outsiders” (At Issue: School Uniforms). Schools think uniforms reduce problems such as fighting but they do not cut problems like they think they do. There is still lots of disciplinary problems even with school uniforms. Next, in the article ”A Plea Against Uniformity, a Cry for Self ­Expression: Will School Uniforms Really Stop Bullying?” Victor Martelle, a former student of a school with uniforms believes that although schools think school uniforms will get rid of bullying, the bullies just find other reasons to bully kids. “Bullying someone because they wear different clothes is commonplace. So is bullying people for their hair, names, the way they look, the way they may sit or walk, or even their skin color” (Martelle). There are many reasons that kids are bullied. Kids will still get bullied even with school uniforms. They will not get rid of bullying. Finally, in ”The Message Behind School Uniforms Is: 'Conform’” Sunday Business Post, told the story of a father with children in a school with uniforms, He shares his opinion on how he thinks about them. “Uniforms are supposed to remove clothing as an area of

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