Driving Persuasive Essay

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What are your takes on raising or keeping the age limit for driving? I personally think we should keep it the same, and i will tell you some of my reasoning behind my argument. My proposal is a compromise between raising it to 18 years old and keeping it at 16. I propose that we raise the year only one year so you can get your driver's licence at the age of 17 but i also suggest that we raise the learner's permit to 2 years of experience with a minimum of 200 hours behind the wheel with a experienced driver that is at least 21. One of the main arguments about not letting 16 year olds drive it that “In the United States, the fatal crash rate per mile driven for 16-19 year-olds is nearly 3 times the rate for drivers ages 20 and over. …show more content…

You learn responsibility by working to pay for your car, your car insurance, and also to pay for repairs and gas. It also teaches you responsibilities by teaching you that you need to be aware of your surroundings and also if you're running low on gas you need to fill up before you run out on the side of the road. When i say learning consequences i mean if u hit another car you are going to have to pay for the damage to that car. Also you need to have a little extra cash at all times for unexpected repairs or else you don't have a car. In my personal opinion the quicker a person gets a car the quicker he or she will grow up and learn some of the qualities to becoming an adult and maybe sometimes a parent. Another reason we shouldn't raise the driving age to 18 is that if you don't have a car sometimes you aren't as socially active. If you don't have a car you need to be driven to a friend's house or a park and sometimes the person driving you around has other things to do other than just drive someone around all day. On a flip side to that sometimes having a car can demote physical exercise. Instead of walking or riding a bicycle to a friends house somewhere you can take your car which requires little to no

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