Drones: Should The Government Monitor Us?

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Should the government be able to monitor us, if so how much? The government should be able to an extent if they watch us to actually protect us. For example if they are watching the streets and all the cities and also the stores that would be ok.

Drones i believed should only be used for military use or very dangerous criminals. I think if it was like osama bin laden then yes they should be using drones or for the use of terrorists that would be accepted. However if they were just using them to watch people and spy on citizens to see if they were doing any criminal activity that would be a ridiculous use of drones. A good example of them using a drone would be for checking out a drug lab or catching drug deals. There are however downsides to having drones they can follow civilians. If they do this the people will …show more content…

If they have them on the streets it will reduce the chances of a suspect to hide from them and commit the crime again or it could save someone's life. so i believe it is a great idea that they have street surveillance. The government can also catch crimes before they get out of hand and have a higher probability to stop them. On a different note they have cameras in many large cities like on corners and on street lights. If they have them at street lights they could catch anyone that runs a stop light. Which could next time make them think before they run it. The downside to having street surveillance is to follow people and to see where they are going once again. Nick Bilton said “ on one side of this issue we have people declaring that too much surveillance, especially in the form of wearable cameras and computers, is detrimental and leaves people without any privacy in public.” and on the other side he said “that a society with cameras everywhere will make the world safer and hold criminals more accountable for their actions.”pg

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