Drug Testing Persuasive Essay

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When applying for a job, whether online or on paper, almost every employer will ask an applicant if they are willing to take part in a drug test before or after they are hired. When looking at this question, there are plenty of questions that go on in one’s head. One of the main ones being “how is this relevant to the job in which I am applying for?” A question that many people ask themselves, but would never ask the employer. In many states and workplaces in the United States, drug testing is encouraged but is not required. So if it isn’t required, then why do most employers administer drug test to their employees?
Most employers administer drug test to their employees because, certain jobs require a person to operate heavy machinery or maybe even a car. When thinking about it this way, it’s understandable, because no company wants someone who is constantly …show more content…

The Cannabis Consumer Campaign views the idea of drug testing as a way to strip employees and certain individuals from their human rights, and in a way I do agree. When drug testing an individual, an employer is basically telling his/her employees and applicants that they do not have the right to be under any type of influence for as long as they work within that company. This isn’t fair to those who can really complete all aspects of that specific job, but would never be given the chance because they were either not hired or fired because that were under the influence a weekend in which they probably didn’t work or in the case of marijuana at least 90 days prior to applying or starting. Author Matthew Izzi backs up the idea of drug testing violating our human rights because drug testing is not required, but he does in fact tell readers that if on refuses to take part in a drug test this could in fact result in termination or refusal to hire a specific person because of the lack of