I am thankful for the opportunity and for the invitation to be speaking in front of this Joint Session of Congress. I am grateful to be able to speak to, not only the men and women who make final changes, but to the public who have made the decision to listen in and inform themselves on public matters. It has come to my attention that many have put aside the dangers currently occurring with the youth of America. As a whole, many have decided to ignore the many building blocks that build our children to become wonderful men and women. These “building blocks” are now tumbling down and missing pieces. The youth of America is silently suffering and we are not directing enough attention towards them.
As many of us are familiar with the many drug prevention organization it still causes one to ponder about the actual movement each organization has made. Certainly each and every one of the organizations have made their impact, but was it enough? Has their movement stopped? Are the adults who live alongside the youth of America reminding the
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Dual Diagnosis is a combination of a mental disorder and addiction. According to the Foundations Recovery Network, it is said that one in three adults who struggle with addiction will most likely also suffer with depression. With that being said abuse of prescription painkillers have made it to the top forty-five percent of drugs used to overdose. More than fifteen million are abusing painkillers that were made to help those who were mentally suffering, but have now become a desperation and a quick outlet. I ask for a moment of realization as we, as a country, may be failing our youth. We can no longer accept that our people are overdosing, committing suicide, because of the way they feel. We can no longer accept that our children are dying because they could not find happiness. We can no longer accept that our children are being handed their poison that will soon determine their