Duality In Hamlet

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The play Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a realistic representation of the duality of human nature: one which makes the readers pause and observe the motivations of a resolute avenger who undergoes a metamorphosis of mental activity after his encounter with the ghost of his father but due to his conscience, he later becomes a procrastinator with a puzzled will. As a dramatist, William Shakespeare is famous for his character portrayals. If a character is too perfect, it is impossible for us to relate to him. Therefore, the titular protagonist, Hamlet is presented with all his foibles and blemishes which makes him a character who readers can easily relate to. Harold Bloom (1990) claimed that Shakespeare created a “human character.” Hamlet’s conflict about to kill or not to kill makes him relatable. The emotion …show more content…

The conflict between the heart and the mind in Hamlet is relatable. The “To be or not to be” soliloquy highlights Hamlet’s inner conflict upon the issues of life and death. He speaks eloquently about his suicidal desire. But the fear of the afterlife makes him afraid to end his life. It is very common for the human race to be afraid of death. By presenting this inner conflict, Shakespeare was able to invent the relatable character of Hamlet. Michael Taylor contends that Hamlet is “is a vivid portrayal of madness and the elements of the human psyche.”(The conflict in Hamlet, 1971). The critic William Golding (2002) compares Hamlet’s confusion to the dilemma of the character of Arjuna of the Bhagawad Gita who is torn between his heart and his mind. And he describes their inaction as a “paralysis”. But Arjuna had a mentor to guide him that is why he fought against to restore injustice and survived. Whereas Hamlet killed and died as he had nobody to guide him. His death is premature as he is not there to tell his story to the world and rightfully rule over Elsinore at the