
Duluth Energy Action Plan

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The University of Minnesota Duluth is of comparable size and enrollment to the St. Paul Campus at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Enrollment as of 2015 was 10,878 students including undergraduate and graduate students (3). The campus is located in an urban area, covering 244 acres (99 hectares) (3). University of Minnesota Duluth “is committed to communicating, educating, and inspiring action to integrate sustainability into all aspects of campus life” as stated by the Office of Sustainability (2). UMD is seeking to be responsible with their resources, guaranteeing future generations the same opportunities.
Current campus projects are making strides towards sustainability. Students through the Natural Resources Research Institute are tackling recycling issues and stairwell lighting on campus (2). The school is also utilizing renewable energy, by placing solar panels on the football stadium and installing a wind turbine at the UMD Farm (2). Also at the Farm, the campus is promoting sustainable agriculture by bringing members of the community together with students and faculty to educate one and other (2). Another point of pride for the school is a majority of buildings on campus are considered green buildings (2). UMD has prioritized the recommissioning of buildings, as it is where they can make the most impactful difference in …show more content…

This plan aspires a 25% reduction in emissions by the year 2020, and to be carbon neutral by the year 2050 (2). This highly aggressive plan will be achieved by energy efficiency upgrades and conservations strategies. As stated previously, buildings on campus are the highest emitters (roughly 90%) (2). As of 2007, UMD emitted 57,561 metric tons of CO2 (2). That number surprisingly increased to 57,815 as of 2013, but an additional four buildings were constructed during that time, meaning the carbon intensity was lowered significantly

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