Dunia In John Steinbeck's The Awakening

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The female characters in the novel are generally predictable, but not all of them are necessarily stereotypical. Katerina certainly portrays a stereotype of the unfortunate upperclass woman driven into a frenzy due to a change in socioeconomic position (picture the middle-aged rich white woman that ends up losing her wealth and not knowing what to do with herself when she has to somehow manage life without servants and millions of dollars at her disposal. Similarly, Alyona the Pawnbroker is the stereotypical mean old lady that hoards her wealth, insults everyone, thinks she’s and nobody likes. Elaborating further, Katerina, though somewhat stereotypical, offers a different image of madness to contrast with Raskolnikov. Katerina is wrecked by poor circumstance, but will never ever take responsibility for any wrongs or mishaps. She obviously lost all dignity for certain after she had dragged her younger children …show more content…

Dunia is attractive and many men are interested in her, but she is not vain or selfish. Dunia is intelligent and independent, but very patient and good-spirited. Dunia has the same hardships as Raskolnikov, and yet she perseveres and maintains a good outlook and her strength. Her strength of loyalty, intelligence, and morality can be seen throughout the novel. She never gives up hope on her brother and she wants to do her best to help him. Sonia is keen on social situations and easily picks up on the feelings of others. Sonia is also a great moral compass in the novel, for example, when Dunia was attacked by Svidrigailov, she fights him off and even fires her revolver at him- Dunia could have easily and justifiably killed her attacker, but she chose not to. She made a deeply moral decision, one that Raskolnikov couldn't make. These ideas further set Raskolnikov apart from humanity and others. Raskolnikov is so unlike the people in his life and the novel is always emphasizing this