Dust Bowl Dbq

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The Dust Bowl:
Between 1930 to 1940, in the southwestern region of the United States, as wheat had become in more and more high demand, Farmers began producing wheat at a much higher rate. Slowly more farmers were plowing fields which made the land basically bare because of all the dry fields. At the same time, some stronger winds were beginning to occur and a drought had come in the region. The fast winds kicked up all the dry dirt from the fields and sent it through the air creating clouds of dust soaring through the air. Nineteen states were affected by this dustbowl. The Dust Bowl created many migrants looking for jobs as they retreated from their homes because they had become uninhabitable. The drought the wind and the increase of fields …show more content…

Due to the Dust Bowl farmers were defaulting on loans which was a huge cause of bank failures. Also in 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created to ensure people's deposits, which now insures $250,000 per bank. Another big cause of the banks failing was because the Great Depression caused people to all withdraw their money at once, which created a huge run on banks. People still debate if the banking system collapse caused the great depression or if the great depression caused all the bank failures, and you can find evidence to show both sides were …show more content…

Their solutions were to make these Hooverville’s which were a bunch of one-room houses grouped together and were terrible living conditions, but they were just enough for them to get by. Many of these buildings were constructed out of wooden crates, cardboard, and scrap metal. The houses were called Hooverville’s because the president at the time Herbert Hoover who was blamed for the Great depression, and they found it as a suiting name. Seattle had 8 Hooverville’s during the 1930’s. By 1934 Seattle had about 500 houses and 639 residents, and all but 7 were men. These Hooverville’s tended to be built by soup kitchens, and if not a lot of the men were on the streets begging for