Dystopian In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Brave new world presents the reader with a dystopian and utopian world. The main aim of Huxley, in this novel, is to evoke the reader of this abstract new world of a modified human race. Aldous Huxley conveys the idea of having a perfect world where all people are happy and satisfied with their life style; This new world is seen to be the ‘Industrial era’ after Ford. We can observe this world as being a more futuristic or of a great revolutionary world. Huxley shows that without inciting emotions or pain, that there could be the possibility of an outstanding new world. Some people may argue that this world represents more over to the side of a dystopia, as readers we can acknowledge, that the utopian aspects of this novel are used to cover up how raw and absurd this new world is contrasting to the …show more content…

Aldous Huxley creates utopian aspects firstly in the social life between adults, as slightly complicated and unusual to understand as readers, as love in this community is deprived of feelings and emotional affections, clearly differentiating it from the world we live in. We almost get a sense of the original idea of love being non-existent in this new world, and this is because the people have been growing in a society where adultery and recreations like orgies are more accepted publicly, which in turn removes love from this world forever. Babies are “raised in bottles” to be “predestined” through the “bokanovsky process”; assuring one of the major ideas of “social stability”. The reproductive goal for this method is for painless delivery of new people to the new world, for the growth of the society. This tells us that the government wants to take good care of their citizens; the motto of the world clearly states “COMUNITY, IDENTITY, and STABILITY”. We can understand the process of the conditioning of the babies agrees with this motto, as they are