E-Cigarettes Informative Paragraphs Although e-cigarettes can be used to prevent people from smoking and steer them toward vaping, there are also negative effects of e-cigs in the society. In Sarah Milov’s article which focuses on the e-cigs usage in children, she argues why FDA should regulate e-cigarettes. As she discussed in the article, e-cigs are one of the tobacco products which includes nicotine. Firstly, as Milov emphasizes in the article, e-cig industry is a “booming industry” (PRO: E-Cigarettes Abound In Unproven Health Claims). As Milov discussed in the article, e-cigarettes consist of uncertain amount of nicotine and there is recently more than sixteen million children who have access to the e-cigs (PRO: E-Cigarettes Abound In Unproven Health Claims). Every single time they vape, they injects uncertain amount of …show more content…
Furthermore, based on this unconsciousness, the number of cases that are reported about poisonous products increased very much recently - the reports even contains death of a toddler in N.Y (PRO: E-Cigarettes Abound In Unproven Health Claims). According to Milov, one of the main reasons of the increment in sales of e-cigs is “aggressive marketing” (PRO: E-Cigarettes Abound In Unproven Health Claims). On the other hand, “the other part of that growth is the high adoption rates among high school students attracted to the variety of e-cig flavors” as Milov stated in the article. Milov also emphasizes the role of “false advertising” in the sales of e-cigs (PRO: E-Cigarettes Abound In Unproven Health Claims). Milov objects to this “false advertising”, and suggests that a regulation about e-cig sales is necessary to make sure that kids don’t have access to it and also FDA should force e-cig companies to put warning labels and ingredient lists to their products (PRO: