Early Colonial Government Policies Shaped Our Constitutional Republic

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There are many governmental policies from early colonial times that have helped shaped our Constitutional Republic. More specifically, there are policies that we still use today. For instance, execution used to consist of public hanging, branding, and the use of the guillotine. Today, execution is a less common punishment. However when it is used, it is in a more humane and dignified fashion, often using lethal injection. Also, execution is typically only granted on those who have committed heinous crimes such as, murder and rape. When a prisoner is put on "death row", they can often be in line for years. Another example of policies still in use, is high-standing officials such as governor positions. John Carver, was elected as the first governor …show more content…

An obvious policy that has carried out to our modern government practices is the election standard. In colonial times, the governor and seven assistants were elected annually in a general court session. In a way, this modeled the idea of voting that we use in most government elections, more specifically, presidential campaigns. In another government position, Plymouth colony had what was referred to as "messengers." These messengers enforced and executed punishment, as well as maintained standards. Today, we refer to this position as a Police officer. A lot of governmental policies that we use today have started in colonial times, and are crucial or very important in helping to shape our Constitutional Republic. Although we may not always recognize it, the basis for our new laws, and reinforcements have come from a foundation that originated in colonial times. However, laws have also greatly changed, forming a more humane …show more content…

Another example would be democracy. Originally, the pilgrims came over on the Mayflower, leaving Britain to get away from the tyranny of the parlement. They didn't know it yet but they wanted some type of democracy. Instead of a government for the few rulers, such as in an oligarchy, they wanted a government by the people, for the people. The government has been adjusted and molded into what it is today, but its origins come from long ago in colonial times. Another drastic example of a way that colonial times have shaped modern practices, is in the medical field. During colonial days, there were people who served the roles of doctors. These doctors followed medical and scientific discoveries that were made by Robert Boyle, Francis Bacon, and many other doctors and scientists that have made huge impacts on the modern and colonial medical field. In addition, in the 18th-century, women began to take part in health care as well. Their practices mostly took place in their homes, and most of the medical information and training that they had, came from their mothers, but they were exposed to raising medicinal herbs and nursing the