
Earnsic Evidence: The Case Of Ray Krone

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orensics expert have made many mistakes regarding handling and analyzing evidence. This has led to people being wrongly convicted. This had happened to Ray Krone. There have been experts such as Jacqueline Blake who broke protocol regarding evidence that led to wrongful convictions. Jacqueline Blake was a FBI lab employee who failed to complete negative control tests in about 90 different cases(Pyrek, 2010). Jacqueline admitted to her superior that she gave false testimony over a bullet analysis which led to investigations of her work. The FBI had now had over a 100 samples that were at risk of being incorrect. BLake's work showed discrepancies that including improper use of negative controls. The FBI's investigation showed that it was only …show more content…

Ray was the 100th person to be exonerated from a death sentence since the 1976 reinstatement of the death sentence. Ray was considered to be the Snaggletooth killer and spent 10 years in prison. Ray was exonerated by DNA evidence proving that he was innocent. This evidence was able to find the actual person that was responsible for the murder. The killer was Kenneth Phillips a violent sexual offender. This cost society and Ray Krone a lot of pain and suffering and Ray Krone received over 4 million dollars for settlements with the …show more content…

The County Attorney still believed that there was strong evidence for Ray's guilt. ALso the key witness a forensic dentist Dr. Rawson also defended his testimony of Ray's guilt. Bite mark testimony that was used in this trial has been called “junk science” by a Arizona State Professor. The Los Angeles Times had printed a report that estimated about 63 percent of bitemark investigations had false positives and about 22 percent had false negatives. This study was done by American Board of Forensic Odontologists and showed that this was poor way of proving guilt. Ray was convicted twice for this murder and costs his family hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to free him. Without out this money and support from family and friends he would have likely not been able to prove his innocence. There are likely others like Ray who do not have people that are willing to spend this type of money to prove their

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