Eating Disorders Case Study

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Mental health disorders are not only limited to behavior issues and thought processes. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, eating disorders are hard to detect because of weight loss programs and the media’s portrayal on body image (Eating Disorders - Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division,2017). Someone with an eating disorder may have symptoms that include: “low self-esteem, social withdrawal, claims of feeling fat when weight is normal or low, preoccupation with food, weight, counting calories and with what people think, denial that there is a problem, wanting to be perfect, intolerance of others, and the inability to concentrate” (Eating Disorders - Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division,2017). …show more content…

People with anorexia control the “ number of calories and the types of food they eat” (National Eating Disorders Association, 2017). This specific disorder fits into the eating disorder category because it deals with body weight and the idea that they have control. There are 3 ways to assess if an individual has anorexia : 1) Restriction of energy intake 2) Fear of weight gain 3) Disturbance in which one’s body’s weight or shape is experienced (National Eating Disorders Association, 2017). Treatments include individuals receiving numerous types of counseling, therapy and medications. The common way to treat is through psychotherapy (Grohol, 2016). It address the person’s disorder and their “emotional and cognitive issues” (Grohol,2016). This relates to college students because their is the fear of the “freshman 15” which is when a person gains 15 pounds. To avoid this a student may become obsessed about their calorie intake and begin to excessively exercise. This is a risk because they are losing weight fast, and they believe they are healthy when they are not. Secondly, students emotions can have an effect on them. Dealing with classes, jobs, and other daily task can cause stress and anxiety. This may lead the student to eating

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