Eating Disorders In Toni Morrison's Anorexia Nervosa

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Anorexia Nervosa- insufficient food that takes the cause of them Of them that guides the to a weight that is too low for them. They begin to have extreme fear of weight gain, causing them to have a passion with their weight, and resolute behavior to them for they can prevent wight gain. Self-esteem is mainly relrelatedate to the body image, for the incapable to appreciate the cruelty of the situation. Dangerous eating disorder is when a girl, no matter how thin she is, is convinced she needs to lose weight, and she starts eating less, not eating, etc. It can be very dangerous and possibly deadly if the girl doesn't get help for it. If you feel overweight, you should get an opinion from your doctor, and if you are overweight, ask for your doctor's recommendation on how to lose some weight. …show more content…

They fear gaining weight even though they are underweight, most think all day about food, they usually are freezing all the time due to low body fat, are weak because they don't eat enough to maintain muscle, some do things with food like cut it into small pieces before they eat it or move it around the plate, make excuses like "I ate before I came." Very sick people from not eating use food and weight as a way of successfully dealing with life when it's noisy and crazy. Around 20% of very sick people from not eating die and 90% are women, 10% are men and most are between the ages of 15-25. Most also suffer from depression and mental problem where you can't stop thinking about or doing something, they often count calories. Most very sick people from not eating eat anywhere from 50-800 calories a day, some more, some

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