Ebola Monologue

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Ebola “The Ebola Virus has again emerged and this time Dallas! This Virus has infected 1000 people since its outbreak.” “Excuse me” said Mr. Bland as he interrupted his client at his Job at the bank. “Excuse me, I apologize, I just need to use the restroom he says as he grabs a napkin to whip his bloody nose. On his way to the restroom he notice a story on CNN on the talk and outbreak of Ebola in west Africa, and raises alarms because he just got back from vacation from west Africa. Mr. Bland runs to the restroom and he stands in front of the mirror freighted and thinking of keeping it all a secret. 2 hours later Mr. Bland began feeling weak and vary tired. Later that day Mr. Bland begins to fill nauseas and decides to go home early. He rushes to the emergency room feeling 10 times worse than he did 2 hours earlier and running a fever. He meets doctor Vanderlin and …show more content…

Less than one hour later the entire city is shut down for containment. CDC Doctors draw blood from Mr. Bland and also takes a urine sample “positive!” a Doctor yells. And then schedules him for immediate treatment. Mr. Bland is confused and he asks “but how?” “What did you expose yourself to Mr. Bland?” “Well when I was there I enjoyed a lot of the fruit” “well that just may be it Mr. Bland Fruit bat is known to be carriers of the diseases. Some of the symptoms may include: increased thirst, increased hunger, dryness in mouth, Flu like symptoms, random nausea and vomiting, always and feeling of tiredness and feelings of weakness, blurred vision, numb or tingling feeling in feet or hands then it’s all downhill usually. “We diagnose our Ebola patients by checking their blood, and what we look for is abnormalities or different strains the blood, high levels of the virus in the blood Dr. Vanderlin explains to Mr. Bland. Ebola has up to a 90% fatality rate it appears you may pull through. The first outbreak was seen in 1976 in two different areas such as Nzara Sudan and Yambuku,

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