Economic And Social Changes In Jeffersonian America During The 1800's

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Jeffersonian America was the time period from 1800 to 1824. Within this era, Thomas Jefferson was elected president, and he established the Democratic-Republican Party in opposition to the Federalists Party of Alexander Hamilton. Throughout this time period economic, political, and social elements are present, and they influenced the change that occurred within America during this era. "America's embargo against foreign goods and the demands of the wartime economy provided incentives for economic innovation" (Keene, 215). This wartime economy relied heavily on cash crops, specifically cotton. The demand for cotton was high, and it resulted in the growth of America's financial sector. However, when the price of cotton dropped in 1819 it led America into a critical economic decline. "The American economy, now heavily dependent on cotton, sank into depression" (Keene, 219). This economic depression affected both the North and the South, and many people became un-employed. The new way of thinking proved to be too fragile, and economic hardships soon followed the postwar economic boom. …show more content…

He did refer to shared ideas "including faith in representative government and the rule of law" (Keene, 194). However, he made it clear on how his ideas differed from his opponents. Before, Federalists had worked to increase the size of the central government, but Jefferson hoped to reduce it's size. To achieve this, he referred the idea of liberty instead of power. He would also reduce the burdens placed on the people by the government, and encourage agriculture over commerce. He believed "an alert citizenry, a vigorous militia, and strong state governments were the foundation upon which to build America's future" (Keene, 194). His ideas about a government influenced the way our country is run