“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it”. -Thomas Jefferson The role of the government in economic freedom should be mostly legislation, consisting of law enforcement and legal structure which gives protection of property rights of owners and implement depositions equally. The five areas in which a country needs to focus on are: Size of government: As the government grows it has the ability to encroach on the taxable citizens thus preventing them from engage in free trade and reap the benefits of their hard work. This can be curtailed by taxing and spending government money. Sound Money: The government should curtail country’s inflation. Property Rights and …show more content…
Economic ignorance will eventually lead to the unequal distribution of power, where the general population is unaware of the repercussions of electing a certain government. The awareness should be brought about right from high school; this is one way where a country can make its citizens aware of the country’s economic state. We should be taught the country’s success will eventually be most beneficial to its citizens. We might think I’m a doctor or an engineer why should I know about the economic reforms of the country? This is where we are wrong, at the end of the day it is the citizens who are affected by the country’s …show more content…
Canada continues to be the freest in the North America region. There can be a scope of improvement in the areas of freedom from corruption, business freedom and labor freedom. A decline in the business freedom may affect startup businesses and small-medium companies. The government should make it point to reduce the burden of legislation and taxes on this section of the country. I follow a set of principles, I follow the Constitution. And that's what I base my votes on. Limited government, economic freedom and individual liberty. - Justin Amash. The quote by Justin Amash a member of U.S House of Representatives sums up in three statements Limited government, Economic freedom and Individual Liberty. Every country should aspire to have these three qualities. Implications of economic freedom in daily life will lead to liberal and prosperous country. It is our duty as the future to accept this responsibility and improve the country for the greater good. Every citizen should take it upon themselves to obtain information and play an active role in the development of the country irrespective of their profession and educational status. Evolution took a very long time because man had to make a lot of inventions to better his life, but now we have no excuse to evolve we are given all the knowledge to make the right choice, it shouldn’t take us this long to make our country the most economically secure in the world. Once we