Economic Patterns In Health And Social Care Essay

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The Great Soviet Encyclopedia defines Economic pattern as, “A type of social pattern. Economic patterns are usually the aggregate result, or resultant, of several economic laws acting simultaneously. The relations and dependencies reflected in economic patterns are therefore more complex and multivariate than the relations and dependences reflected in economic laws.” We know that Economics is defines as the social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and with the theory and management of economies or economic systems. American Heritage dictionary of the English Language, ( 2010). In other words economics is how we make optimal use of limited resources. Global Economic patterns, to me, …show more content…

(Finkler et al., 2013). In healthcare the supply of services is often dictated by the amount of available resources, such as money and technology. The more money that a country has to spend on healthcare and how they allocate those funds will have a direct bearing on how much supply will be available to the consumer. In dealing with supply of healthcare it’s important to understand that: ” With the focus on resource allocation, one of the main concerns in designing a social mechanism to allocate society's resources is efficiency--getting the greatest output from productive inputs (a problem for suppliers). Another concern is product choice--determining what goods and services should be produced (meeting consumer demands). Finally, there is concern about product distribution (who gets the products produced).” ( Solomon, et al., 2001). For example, in areas where there are a lot of primary care physicians there might be a lot more referrals to specialist, so in those areas allocating resources to increase specialist might be smarter than allocating resources to provide specialist in areas where there are a limited number of primary care physicians. In poor counties where resources are limited there might not be an opportunity to provide such services at all, whereas, in developed counties there might be more funds to allocate for the

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