Economic Role Of The United States Government

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Government economists help the policymakers see and fully understand the goods and the “bads” and hopefully, make the choices that will benefit the United States the most in the long-run. The government keeps the country’s economics moving–from minimum wage rates to stimulus packages–nearly every aspect of economics is touched by government in one way or another. On its’ website, the United States Department of the Treasury defines its’ role in government: “maintain a strong economy and create economic and job opportunities by promoting the conditions that enable economic growth and stability at home and abroad, strengthen national security by combating threats and protecting the integrity of the financial system, and manage the U.S. Government’s finances and resources effectively.” Stated simply, this means that the main function of the United States Treasury is to keep the economics of the country flowing smoothly–both within the country and throughout the world–by assuring employment and managing spending by government, business, and citizens. The question becomes, how does the government do that? The answer… economists and economic policies. …show more content…

Government helps to keep the business economy flowing. The government’s role in and writing foreign trade policy, setting wage rates, interest rates and taxes, drive the balance of spending. The monetary flow in an economy affects the balance of supply and demand. The role of supply and demand, then, plays a critical part in the management and well-being of business. Business and its’ role employment, business-to-business and world-wide purchasing (goods, trade, exchange) then influences the nation’s economics. It is a never-ending economic circle, whose driving force is the