Ecumenical In Australia Essay

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Australia is a country of diversity. Interfaith dialogue and the ecumenical movement have acted as links between a further secular society and those who adhere to religious beliefs. Ecumenical refers to the movement towards religious unity between Christian denominations. Unity it is not about joining all denominations into one, but rather an acknowledgement that their unity in Christ outweighs their variety in practice and beliefs. Within the difference to the historical conflict between Christian denominations, ecumenical is important them to dialogue, worship and work together. Ecumenical began as determined largely by the knowledge of individual believers who recognized that what Christians have in common is more important than the things …show more content…

The importance of interfaith dialogue is significant to a multi-faith Australia. Interfaith dialogue is formal discussion aimed towards developing larger common understanding between different religious traditions. It rejects the idea that all religions are the same, and is not an attempt to join different religious traditions, but while respecting the variety of beliefs it allows different religions to come to a better approval of the uniqueness of each other. Interfaith dialogue transpires across a range of different levels. In 1996 Pope John Paul II held an interfaith prayer service in the Domain in Sydney. In 2001 churches, synagogues and mosques in Sydney held reciprocal visits to pray for peace and express unity. Also, different religious traditions work together on a variety of social issues as evidence to many of the shared values fundamental major religious traditions. Different religious traditions help on issues such as poverty, unemployment, indigenous rights, nuclear testing and asylum seekers. Interfaith dialogue as well takes place regularly on a local or grass roots

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