Education As A Right To Education

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Education That education plays a crucial role in a person’s lifetime cannot be denied and therefore, education is a basic human right for every child. It should be regarded as a way of improving the lives of all people, including children. In addition, the right to education is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Quality education gives way to progress and development both of societies and of individuals and it helps pave the way for a successful future. Schools in all societies were purposely created as a challenge to preserve the contents and practical social, political and economic heritage of society. We can tell education from a broad perspective as being a process of socialization into the norms and values of the society into which one is placed. On the other hand we can look at education from the rather narrow sense of what happens in the school. But essentially as Lonbay (1992) 93has pointed out education includes learning and to assure the right to education the individual must be granted access to realizing this right. It can be said that a right to education is often stated in terms of being a civil and political right rather than a social right It also has to be recognized that the right education is already enshrined in the Algerian Constitution and therefore many would say that it has already being provided for