Educational Leadership Constituent Council Standards

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Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) Standards Development In order for administrators to understand what all is involved in running a school they must go by the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) Standards. This standards allow prospective administrators to work various aspects of the school. The standards are based on numerous research and work from administrators. The standards are listed below along with activities completed throughout the program to achieve each standard. ELCC Standard 1.0 ELCC Standard 1 states how having the school and community on board with the schools vision can be very beneficial. The vision of the school will give the staff members a clear goal for each student to achieve maximum …show more content…

Knowing how to be a team player and learning different leadership skills are key to ruining a successful school. In the course Supervision and Evaluation Techniques, we were assigned to conduct classroom data observation techniques. We were to walkthrough three different classrooms and evaluate the teachers. This assignment gave me the opportunity to give constructive criticism to teachers. Learning to not only tell teachers what they did wrong but also the things they did good is a useful tool I pick up during this assignment. ELCC 2.4 goes over using different technology in the classroom. Technology is a great tool for student success but can also be challenge. Technology is always changing which requires teachers to keep with the newest technology. I interviewed the technology specialist at my school in order to meet this standard. The technology department is always busy due to the numerous computers and SmartBoards used throughout the school. I personally did not realize just how busy this department has to work on a daily basis. Teachers and students depend on technology in every aspect of the school. ELCC Standard …show more content…

This is important for a building principal because not all things can be done by one person. It is the responsibility of the principal to create committees and groups to help the school become a better environment. It is not possible for the principal to control everything that goes on within a school. Teachers must be given responsibilities in order to feel empowerment within the school. Everyone in the school wants to feel a sense of ownership. This standard was easy to meet because we already had a textbook committee setup to order new textbooks. I was a part of this committee to order textbooks for my department. It was time for new books and we needed to meet in order to choose the best textbook for our subjects. We also ordered supplemental materials as well. We are working to get away from all textbook led instruction and use more outside resources. We were able to meet these needs with the textbook

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