Edu's Email Policy Paper

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1. Overview
As a company, Edu Corp thrives on employee trust and loyalty. With the ongoing concerns of data security and privacy in relation to electronic correspondences, Edu Corp has enacted a thorough, detailed Email Policy in order to protect the integrity of our company, but most importantly, our employees and customers. In 2015 alone, billions of email communications were sent and receive around the globe. In fact, countless emails contained sensitive or personal information, or were of subjects consisting of business-related matters (“Email Statistics Report,” 2015). In order to provide both privacy and safety to our employees and customers, while maintaining efficient, professional operations, Edu Corp upholds strict standards in regards to everyday, company-based email usage. In fact, Edu Corp implements various spam filtration techniques, continuously trains employees in regards to responsible email usage, safeguards and protects sensitive information sent via email, upholds a comprehensive email retention policy, and enforces a strict email …show more content…

Storing email messages for shorter periods of time may reduce the risk of security breaches (Partington, 2011). As a result, Edu Corp securely scans and disposes of all electronic mail communications at the end of each business day. Company employees are required to mark any email communications to be saved by the end of the business day of which it was sent and/or received, or the communication will be discarded. Given such a policy, Edu Corp’s Network Administration must send a reminder email to all Edu Corp employees regarding saved communications, one hour before the close of business, each business day. Saved email communications will be preserved on the company’s email systems for a calendar period of one year, upon which such communications will be securely