Effective Strategies For Teaching Diverse Populations Of Adults In Online Learning

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New innovations and discoveries have always lead to changes in all spheres of life. With changes come new ideas, growth, and awareness. The new millennium brought one such revolutionary change with it, the use of technology. Technology has changed the world and has made it a nuclear place to live in. With increasing use and accessibility of technology, the demand for online education is increasing. The online learning environment favors adults and provides flexibility in learning, and as a result, more and more adults are going back to school. It is therefore important to consider the needs of adult learners and provide appropriate supports.
The three articles that I have chosen for this assignment are:
1. Characteristics of Adult Learners …show more content…

Prior Experience: Adults use prior experience to learn new things. According to Cercone (2008), "an adult accumulates a growing reservoir of experience, which is a rich resource for learning" (Merriam & Caffarella, 1999, p. 272). Cercone (2008), further states that “adult students can build on previous knowledge and experience by relating new information to past events and experience.” It is therefore important for online instructors to consider the diverse experiences that adult learners bring to the online learning environment and relate them to the content. According to Knowles (1989), “it is important for the instructor to recognize the value of experience.” The Experiential Learning theory which is based on three components: (a) knowledge of concepts, facts, information, and experience; (b) prior knowledge applied to current, ongoing events; and (c) reflection with a thoughtful analysis and assessment of learners’ activity that contributes to personal growth (Cercone, 2008), also explains the importance of using prior experiences in adult …show more content…

It is clear from the above discussion that the one size fits all approach in an online learning environment does not lead to expected results. The andragogical approaches and theories of adult learning are something that instructors in an online learning environment should consider while building the curriculum and facilitating instruction. By creating a learning environment that offers flexibility and student choice in learning, online instructors can appeal to a broader audience of adult learners and make learning progressive and appealing to adult