Effects Of Humanism On Renaissance Art

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The Effects of Humanism on Renaissance Art During the Renaissance, many new ideas were emerging among the people. One of these main ideas was humanism. Aspects of humanism that influenced the visual arts were the newfound interest in math and geometry, the fascination with the human body, and, most importantly, the interest in the individual. Firstly, people had a newfound interest in the study of math and geometry and artist were no exception. Artist used math to develop an understanding of perspective. Perspective played a big role in Renaissance art because it allowed the artists to represent a three dimensional world on a two dimensional canvas. Brunelleschi developed a mathematical principle to create the vanishing point which is the point to which all parallel lines in a plane converge. This can be seen in Masolino’s St. Peter Healing a Cripple and the Raising of Tabitha. Math and geometry affected art in the Renaissance so profoundly that it’s influence can still be felt in art today. Secondly, people became fascinated with the human body and its elegance. Before the Renaissance, Medieval artist used to abstract the form of the human …show more content…

Before the Renaissance, artist created works of art not to express themselves, but to glorify God. The artist went as far as not signing their works of art. This all changed during the Renaissance. Artist began to be praised for their skill and expertise and they were making money off their work. This increased interest in the individual also allowed artist to shift their focus from creating works of art that glorify God to making secular artwork. This is evident in works such as Botticelli’s Pallas Athena and the Centaur. The increased interest in the individual that was brought upon by humanism in the Renaissance allowed artist to expand the subjects of their art and profit from their

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