Effects Of Mcdonaldization In Fast Food

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McDonaldization is replacing illogical rules with logical ones, or some call it the process of rationalization. To describe this sociological circumstance in our society, George Ritzer gave the word McDonaldization its meaning (Burleson). One of the most popular examples of McDonaldization is in fast food. There are four steps to McDonaldization that make everything in a fast food restaurant work how it does; Efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control (Macionis 139). Although these four aspects of McDonaldization positively affect the company and their profit, there are numerous negative consequences for the workers and customers.
The first step is efficiency. Efficiency is the process of meeting a specific goal as cheap, and effortless as possible. Workers are trained to repeat the same skills over and over again, which allows the worker to specialize at their job and produce their results quickly. Fast food chains often hire younger people to work for them. They do this because they are less likely to question anything or stand up against management, and they can pay them less because of that (Bavisotto). Sixty percent of fast food workers are under the age of 24 (Schmitt & Jones). Young people all over the United States are being taken advantage of and used to benefit of businesses.
To be even more efficient fast food companies use preservatives, colorings, and flavorings in their food. These fast food chains don’t care about our health and all the