Effects Of Murder In Macbeth

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The act of murder can have an extreme impact on people and their personalities; it can have a unique effect on every individual. In the case of Macbeth, his life was drastically altered, turned inside out, and completely upside down. The events that followed his murder of the king caused an irreversible transformation in his world. His life spiraled downward after that life-altering event. From being a dependable friend and brave soldier, Macbeth transformed into a murderous beast with a lust for power, then a defeated and exhausted widower.

At the beginning of Shakespeare's play “Macbeth,” the reader is introduced to the Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth. While fighting for the king, he is a brave soldier who is always ready to defend, and he is often described as a war hero and the ideal warrior. When he is on the job, Macbeth is unconcerned about his personal life. He is devoted to Duncan, because he always does what he says, and he vouches for him, always putting in a good word. During a battle, one of the Captains of war explains “Brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name), / Disdaining Fortune, …show more content…

They reveal their prophecies to him, and let him know that he will succeed Duncan as king in the future. Macbeth goes back and forth trying to decide whether or not he should kill the king in order to take his place quickly, or let fate play out and allow everything to unfold organically. His original thought was “If chance will have me king, why, chance may/crown me /Without my stir.” (I.iii.157-159), so he continued being his loyal self. Eventually, the worst case scenario got the best of him, and he changed his decision to kill Duncan with the persuasion of his wife. Lady Macbeth tells him PUT A QUOTE HERE He became an unloyal and fake friend, as well as a bad guy. This pivotal event would mark the initial spark that would begin Macbeth’s