Music Education Literature Review

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What is Music Education effect on Students?
A Review of the Literature
Tim Lautzenheiser (2015) said, “What is the most important priority for all parents? The future happiness of their child! Mothers and father around the world dedicate their lives to creating an even better life for their children. In a highly completive society they want to see their sons and daughters have every possible advantage in their educational climate, their chosen profession, and their selected community-of-living where, once again, the cycle will repeat itself with-and-for the next generation. The complexity of society’s evolutionary standards (some favorable, some not) puts responsible parents “on alert” 24/7. What is the best use of their child’s time and energy, …show more content…

This literature review considers whether Music Education can help affect a student is by responding to the following questions:
1. What is Music Education?
2. What is Music Education effected students’ personal life?
3. What is Music Education effected students’ academic achievement?
4. Does Music Education have an effect on an adult’s brain?
Understanding the benefits of Music Education highlights the importance of continuing the Music Programs in schools.

What is Music Education? Beveridge (2010) stated that music and arts program have diminished in importance since the passage of Mo Child Left Behind, upon which accountability standards have focused on progress in STEM subjects as the metrics of success ( as cited in Intolubbe-Chmil p.1). Many people underestimate Music Education in the schools today, as well as the teachers are trained in music. However, Music Education is extremely important, and so are the teachers. In college, music education is one of the largest, most dense programs. Teachers have to learn general education materials, psychology, and technique. They must learn to play every …show more content…

We only focus on pass and/or fails of students through the assessments (Lautzenheiser 3). We need to focus on making the education fun so the subjects learned last for years, not just for tests at the end of the unit. Music Education had been associated with helping student’s grades improve. On the surface there is a fairly straightforward answer: students who participate in music education frequently do better than their peers on many measures of academic achievement such as grade-point averages and standardized test like the SAT and ACT (Hodges and O’Connell 1). It is believed music learning activates various areas of the brain and synchronizes the mind of learning at a fast pace while stretching the memory to a higher level of rentention (Lautzenheiser 2). An & Capraro 2011 developed a music- mathematics instruction by interdisciplinary curriculum and an alternative model of mathematics instruction by integrating music into mathematic lessons (as cited in An, Caprapo and Tillman 2013). In their curriculum, they created a group of math and music activities. Those activities were used as framework for the teachers to create and teach their version of based on the mathematic concepts that they had provided. The students will then be expected to create and share their own music. Next, they receive math problems based on their music compositions. The student next had to demonstrate their math problem using