How Music Affects Children

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INTRODUCTION Every culture in the world have their own traditional music. Researcher cannot determine the theory of music. Music can develop the concept of memory, perception and language skill to children. According to the research reveal that Mozart's music can enhance young children’s brain system. There is no connection between the effect of music and the development of brain system. Norton el at. (2005). In 2009, Moreno el at showed children can improve their reading skills and distinguishes ability in tone even the children had just learn musical instrument for a short time period. Furthermore, according to the result from Gromko (2005) reveal that musical training helps on hearing development and learnt to speak faster for …show more content…

Most of them focuses on how listening to music beneficial the children and also to investigate how listening to music can impact development outside of the musical domain. Research has proven that children having exploration of experience able influence auditory and visual stimuli. For example, domain of music. In year 1994, Pick el probed is that young children can identify the differences of different music instrument’s sounds. In Pick et al research, a children between ages 3-7 had showed a clip which have two people are playing different music instrument while they are just one music from the instrument was played. Results showed that 5- 7 years old’s children were capable to distinguish the differences of the tone and size between a few different types of music instruments. Besides that, 3 - 4 years old’s children were able to distinguish the instrument came from which type of musical family, but they can’t identify the instruments within the same sector. In year 1994, another research by Pick et al reveal that the 7-9 months newborn baby were looked at the music instrument that commensurate with the