
Effects Of Power In 1984

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Unity by Division: The Effects of Power on Society in 1984 The one goal every society strives for is unity among its people. Possibilities often arise about how to achieve this, but the idea of complete power over a people does not seem like the obvious choice. George Orwell explores this idea of large divisions of power in society and its implications for unity. In his novel, 1984, the Party’s obsession and endeavor for power reveal that complete power stems from physical and psychological suffering, which establishes a united society at the cost of individual freedom. Physical suffering is illustrated as an essential factor in obtaining power over a people. In the novel, the Party has immense control over its people, which it gained through …show more content…

The Party uses telescreens to monitor its people and propaganda to manipulate thought. This establishes fear and paranoia among the people, causing them to comply with the Party. The concept of doublethink expands on this idea, as the Party’s system of manipulation proves that “who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,” essentially establishing doublethink to be “reality control” (Orwell 34). Doublethink allows for the manipulation of thoughts and beliefs through contradicting ideas. The ability to warp reality into whatever the Party pleases often will create a sense of doubt and confusion among the people, making them susceptible to manipulation. Through the people’s psychological suffering, the Party achieved a society in which the people are united under a shared submission to the ruling power. However, this also results in the absence of individual freedom, as they are all psychologically manipulated into obeying the one source of “truth” they have been brainwashed to believe. Additionally, the Party used telescreens as another method to maintain power over the people. The incredibly strict laws and the full access the Party has to view people’s lives foster a great sense of fear. People consider it “terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen” (Orwell 62). The fear and paranoia that this society’s people suffer from are the direct results of the Party’s efforts to suppress and manipulate thoughts to retain control. The constant surveillance and propaganda unite the people to follow the guidance of one authority, but in turn, also strips the people of their freedom of thought. Psychological suffering may bring about a version of unity, but it is one of a shared reliance on one manipulative authority. Complete power stems from the

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