Satire In Greek Theatre

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Introduction Satire is an integral element of the Greek social and political life. Many scholars have argued that satirical shows on TV have the power to influence or even form viewers’ perceptions of political issues. Since ancient times, satire and comedy have flourished at Greek theaters, with the most prominent illustration being Aristophanes’ plays. Satire remains ever-present in the culture of the Greek modern state; theatrical plays, cinematographic comedies, satirical caricatures in magazines and newspapers, and more recently the appearance of televised satirical shows are some of the manifestations of satire in public. All these genres of satire satisfy the need for pleasure, education and awareness in a comprehensive and accessible …show more content…

Political satire is usually distinguished from political protest or political dissent, as it does not necessarily carry an agenda nor seek to influence the political process. While occasionally it may, it more commonly aims simply to provide entertainment. By its very nature, it rarely offers a constructive view in itself; when it is used as part of protest or dissent, it tends to simply establish the error of matters rather than provide …show more content…

The primary proposition of cultivation theory states that the more time people spend 'living ' in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality portrayed on television. Signorelli points out that under this umbrella, perceptions of the world are heavily influenced by the images and ideological messages transmitted through popular television media (2003). Cultivation theory suggests that exposure to television, over time, subtly 'cultivates ' viewers ' perceptions of reality. Television is a medium of the socialization of most people into standardized roles and behaviors. Its function is in a word, enculturation. Within their analysis of cultivation, Cohen and Weimann draw attention to three entities—institutions, messages, and publics. Initial research on the theory establishes that concern regarding the effects of television on audiences stem from the unprecedented centrality of television in American culture. They posited that television as a mass medium of communication had formed into a common symbolic environment that bound diverse communities together, socializing people into standardized roles and behaviors. They thus compared the power of television to that of religion, stating television was to modern society what religion once was in earlier times. Thus, their research focused on the larger meaning of heavy television consumption instead of the meaning behind specific