
Effects Of The Cuban Revolution

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The Cuban Revolution itself, is a system of changes as its goal primarily was to deliver Cuba from its oppressor and be free. It started with Jose Marti's ideas for another Revolution and was carried out by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. However, each time a Revolution was carried out in the country, it would fail because of one thing or another. Whether it was not having enough support from the people, support meant people willing to fight and die for the cause. Or that the groups could not make it past the Eastern region of the island into central Cuba and the Western part because of the mountains and countless outposts, La Trocha. The Revolution could be better described as a system of ever-changing ideas set forth to bring true peace to …show more content…

Jose Marti once said that independence "is not a means to an end," and that "the Revolution, to succeed, needed a political party of its own." These two ideas contributed to the rise of Fidel Castro, who understood that Cubans are all one, regardless of race, and that striving for freedom would be in vain if everyone couldn't come together and fight for their country. It also led to the rise of socialism and communist ideas as Che Guevara, a trusted companion of Fidel, was an extreme communist. Fidel did not refer to himself as "President Castro" or other superficial titles. He was a man of the people and had the people's greatest interests in mind. The Guerrilla fighters, under the leadership of Fidel and Che, viewed each other as brothers and sisters fighting for the unification and freedom of their island. Everything that was accomplished in the 1950s was not for power and glory but for true independence with the idea of creating a truly independent and sovereign Cuba. Because Fidel was so "in-touch" with the average citizen of Cuba, he was referred to by his first name and was able to walk through large crowds unharmed. He stated, "if the Cuban people want to kill me, they will kill me," but because of the repour built between the Cuban people and the Rebels, they all saw Fidel as their

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