Effects Of The Stanford Prison Experiment By Philip Zimbardo

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The Stanford Prison Experiment is one of the most infamous and controversial psychological experiments to ever take place to this day. In 1971, Phillip Zimbardo created an experiment that tested the changes one endures when they have to adapt in a prison environment and provided an explanation for the dehumanizing effects of the penile system. 24, college-aged, men were chosen to participate in the 2 week long experiment by flipping a coin to decide whether they’re given the role of prisoner or guard. After their roles were determined, they were given uniforms, cells, identification numbers, etc. Little did he know that the results of this experiment would give some of the most ethically challenged results of time.
Zimbardo made it very apparent …show more content…

Although they weren’t capable of causing physical harm to the inmates, the guards abused their power simply because the inmates had none. Soon, embarrassing and degrading the prisoners turned into serious emotional abuse. Instances in which they were depriving the inmates from sleep, putting bags over their heads to do simple things such as using the bathroom, and even making them repeat their inmate numbers over and over for hours on end are just a few examples of how the guards treated their prisoners.
Being a prisoner was a completely different story. Having their bedding removed or even being put in solitary confinement for miniscule instances of insubordination were slowly causing them to lose their sanity. As well as their clothing being a short smock with no underwear, causing them to be borderline exposed at all times was extremely embarrassing for them. This caused the inmates to fall into the submissive role. Contradicting this, Zimbardo actually
expected them to do more regarding defending themselves. He treated the inmates as if they were nothing, even making them sign a contract that essentially said they were owned by …show more content…

Zimbardo ensured that the experiment was more dramatic than an actual prison. In real prisons, guards were encouraged to not cause any conflict in the prison, but Zimbardo encouraged conflict to start. Hosing down, sexually humiliating, and essentially dissociating the prisoners from themselves are a few examples of the now unethical things that took place. Court cases in which guards were charged with abusing the prisoners and even protests took place after the experiment. Arguably, the most controversial part of the entire experiment was the contract. Making the prisoners sign a contract saying they were borderline slaves to the experiment and a portion of their human rights were taken away is deemed pretty ridiculous nowadays. Not setting up safe words that enabled the prisoners to withdraw from the experiment is questionable as well. In order to get out of the contract and be removed from the ‘prison’, you had to have a mental breakdown that was deemed realistic enough for them to let you go.
Several movies have been released about the Stanford Prison Experiment that