Efficient Use Of The Smart Goal Setting Approach

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Efficient Use Of The SMART Goal Setting Approach By Billy Harvey Oct 14, 2010 Setting goals is important in all aspects of life. You can set goals for where you want to be in ten years, how much you want to weigh, how much you want to exercise, what you want to achieve at work, what you want to be able to play on an instrument or even how you want your house to look. The trick to accomplishing these goals is to be intelligent about your goal setting technique. One efficient method is the SMART goal setting technique. The first step to good goal setting is making your goal SPECIFIC. Make your goal easy to understand and detailed. For example, do not say to yourself that you want to be healthier. Try to set something more specific, like being able to run for half an hour every day at a certain pace or not eating more than 5 fatty foods in one week. Answer the journalistic questions about your goal. What are you doing? Why do you want to do it? How can …show more content…

Your goal should be able to be measured in numbers. You need to devise a plan for how each goal will be measured and what short-term benchmarks of success you would like to see. You need to know what your long-term measure of success will be. Consider making reports or surveys to help you track your progress. The third rule of good goal setting is that your plan is ACHIEVABLE. Make sure you have the tools you will need to reach your goal before you start. Furthermore, plan a goal that you think is reachable. This may mean you have to set smaller goals in order to reach the larger one. Lastly, choose a goal that is within your control. Make your goals REALISTIC for you. Choose something that is a good fit for your life and that is relevant to your current desires. Do not assume that a goal that is achievable by one set of standards is the right fit for you. Your goal is your own, and it needs to be tough enough to push you but easy enough to keep you encouraged to

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