Egalite For All Analysis

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Watching the documentary “Egalite for All: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution” taught me a lot of brand new information and was very interesting. The first part that stood out a lot to me began around 12:50 and it where the narrator says, “they were born free but not equal”, although there were Black people that were not enslaved they still had no rights. They still had to make sure to physically show that they respected white people by standing up in their presence and referred to them in honorifics. The most interesting part was that free Black people were born free, but had no citizenship. They had to send a petition to the government of France asking to receive citizenship and as a result of this, mixed race people began to get attacked and murdered by white people. This stood out as even when simply asking for citizenship and basic rights, free Black and mixed race people still got attacked. The next scene that stood out was at around 18:46 where the documentary talked about slaves rebelling against their masters. The slaves poisoned, stabbed, and ultimately killed their masters. This scene stood out since I found it incredible how the amount of slaves rebelling grew from one thousand to twenty thousand in order to retaliate with the same amount of violence that the masters used on them. This also stood out to me …show more content…

The scene talks about how the Natives were inhumanely attacked by the Spaniards who were being welcomed as guests. The Spaniards took advantage of their hospitality and went to the Aztecs annual celebration, honoring their god Huitzilopochtli, and attacked them. The scene stood out due to the vulgar descriptions of how the Aztecs were attacked, which included their stomachs being slashed open and their entrails spilling out. Some Aztecs believed the Spaniards to be white gods and were not expected to be attacked in this brutal

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