
Egame Alternate Ending

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Many years ago in a small village on the beach there lived a hard working old man named Egame. Egame loved helping people. Each day he would wake up at the same time the sun rose and say “Time to help some people.” And help people he would from sunrise to sunset the old man would help anyone or anything that needed assistance. At the end of the day, he was exhausted. Egame would collapse in bed.
One day when Egame awoke, he heard voices. “Come to the beach,” they shouted. However, Egame ignored the call for help. He couldn’t go to the beach when so many people needed his help. “come to the beach” it shouted and shouted. When he asked his friends if they heard it too, they said he should take a nap because they thought he was crazy. Finally, Egame could take it no longer. He sprinted to the beach as fast as he could. When he arrived, all he saw was a woman standing by the sea.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“Egame I’ve been watching you,” she said. …show more content…

I have come to give you a gift.”
“You need someone to help you help others.This is an octopus. It has eight hands for you to help eight people at once. “You must be careful though Egame. ” Handene warned. “This is a dangerous creature, but as long as you help everyone no matter what, it will be kind. Do you understand Egame?”
“Yes.” Then as fast as you read this sentence Handene was gone, which left Egame with the octopus. Egame looked at it with a sense of confusion. Why would the goddess of hands give him such an extraordinary present? Nonetheless, he decided to set past the beach and go back to the village. All the residents of the village mouths’ dropped open when they saw a large orange creature with a circular head and not just two arms, but eight. The two then quickly finished all their chores by exhibiting great teamwork skills, especially since carrying things was easier when your amount of hands was multiplied. The two were unstoppable, until one Summer

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