Electoral College Be Abolished Dbq

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There has been arguments regarding whether the Electoral College should be abolished, especially after the recent presidential election. The Electoral College should be abolished because it favors the bigger groups like Democrats and Republicans over the smaller candidates and independent parties, violates political equality, and contrast to popular belief it does not favor the popular votes. The Electoral College system itself can be hard to understand at times but it basically works by giving the each state two electoral votes for their senate and one vote for each member of the House of Representatives. After their votes are casted, in 48 states and the District of Columbia, whichever candidate has the majority of the votes from that state …show more content…

Again in Document D, George Edwards says about the Electoral College system, “(I)t favors some citizens over others, depending solely upon that state in which voters cast their votes for president.” Though candidate must have 270 of the electoral votes to become president, if there is a tie than the top three candidates are taken to the House of Representatives where each state has only one vote, and they select the president. This particular part of the Electoral College shows absolutely no political equality. In Document F, Bradford Plumer says, “Because each state cast only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters.” The fact that one representative has as much power 55 representatives is just one example of the inequality and how the power in the Electoral College system is not divided correctly. Sometimes it can be argued that the Electoral College gives candidates coming from third or independent parties no chance to win the election.