Electrolysis In Chemistry Ia

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Chemistry IA

Background information:
Introduction: Electrolysis it’s a chemical process that when you pass an electric current into a solution or a liquid that contains ions to separate substances back to their original form. The main components that are required for electrolysis to take a place are:
 Electrolyte: it’s a substance that when dissolved in water it ionize and then it will contain free moving ions and without these moving ions the process of electrolysis won’t take place.
 Direct current (DC): This current provides the energy needed to discharge the ions in the electrolyte
 Electrodes: it’s an object that conducts electricity and it’s used in electrolysis as a bridge between the solution and power supply. A great example …show more content…

The dependent variable is the rate of decomposition of water which is measured by the volume of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas in cm3 The independent variable is the voltage here as I increase it from 9-14 Room temperature was 24 rtp and I carried out the whole experiment in the same room. If the temperature increases the rate of electrolysis will increase. The concentration of the sulphuric acid which is 0.02 M. If I increase the concentration of sulfuric it would’ve been the decomposition of sulfuric acid not water because we just need some ions in the pure water so the ions can move to the electrodes. An increase in concentration will increase the rate of decomposition. The socket that was the power supply was plugged in was 220-240 volts and same socket was used throughout the whole experiment Time is one of the major factors the time that was used is 35 minutes and if I increase the time the rate of decomposition is going to increase which means a greater volume of oxygen and hydrogen. The size of the electrodes was equal throughout the whole experiment I didn’t change them so if I increase the size of the electrodes the faster the rate of electrolysis will …show more content…

The graph shows the average volume of hydrogen that was produced from the 3 trials and the average volume of oxygen that was produced from the 3 trials across the voltage. I added the volumes of hydrogen in each trial and I divided them by 3 to get the average and I made the same thing for the volume of oxygen. The graph shows that the volume of hydrogen produced during the experiment is twice as much as the volume of oxygen. For example using the third data when I used 11 volts the average volume of hydrogen that was produced was 5.8 cm3 and the average volume of oxygen produced was 2.9 cm3 so when you multiply the 2.9 by 2 it gives you 5.8 cm3 which was my result. As the voltage increases the volume of hydrogen and oxygen increases. The standard deviation when I used 9 volts for hydrogen it was 0.7 + 0.23= 0.93 and 0.7-0.23= 0.47 so the range of values is between 0.47 cm3 to 0.93 cm3. When I used 9 volts for oxygen it was 0.3+0.12=0.42 and 0.3-0.12=0.18 so the range of values is between 0.18 cm3 to 0.42 cm3. When I used 10 volts the standard deviation for hydrogen was 2.5+0.23=2.73 and 2.5-0.23=2.27 so the range of values is between 2.27 cm3 and 2.73 cm3 and the standard deviation for oxygen was 1.3+0.12=1.42 and 1.3-0.12=1.18 so the range of the standard deviation was between 1.18 to 1.42. When I used 11 volts the standard deviation for hydrogen was 5.8+0.20=6.0 and 5.8-0.20=5.6 so the range

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