Eliciting Sympathy For Medea In The Euripides

379 Words2 Pages
Name: Hagar El Zohiry
Class Section: 91066
October 27, 2015 Medea is considered one of the most horrific tales of all time. One of its major themes is revenge. Medea in both the movie and the play kills four people in order to take revenge from her husband who marries another woman. The movie in my opinion was a successful adaptation of the play. It followed all the major events but differed in the way it portrait the character. In Euripides

The portrait of Jason is crucial in eliciting sympathy for Medea in the Euripides tragedy but of little value in von Trier’s film. We’re not asked to sympathize with an abandoned mother of two children as much as we’re asked to empathize with a supernaturally gifted woman who has debased herself

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