Elizabeth Wurtzel Essay

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Elizabeth Wurtzel defends her stance on feminism in her article, “1% Wives Are Helping Kill Feminism and Make the War on Women Possible”. Wurtzel argues that the only kind of equality is economic equality and that until all women realise that then they will always be unequal. She states her opinion that women who chose to stay at home and become housewives deserve to be thought of as dumb. “ These women are the reason their husbands think all women are dumb, and I don't blame them”. Wurtzel basically argues that if a woman is not contributing to any of the household income then they are giving themselves a reason to be treated unfair. Wurtzel makes a claim against women who become full time mothers and say that it is their feminist choice. …show more content…

“ I really don't consider it my feminist business that an awful lot of strong and solid women -- Simone de Beauvoir, famously -- are idiots about love and romance any more than I care that Helen of Troy's face started a naval war, because we are all fools for love. But I think it is my concern that all people, with whatever foolishness, are able to provide themselves with gas and food and lodging”. Especially in this day and age where there are so many opportunities for both men and women to become successful I agree that it seems rather ridiculous when women decide that they are okay with being housewives. Feminism should be about women being vulnerable to love and having that being seen as weak. Men are the exact same way! Feminism should be about women showing that they too can work a job and pay for their own bills and not relying on anyone else to do it for them. This does not mean that all women must strive to become billionaires, but they should be able to support themselves. Because then they have a reason to stand up for themselves when they do face an injustice and say, “Hey, I work just as you do and I am able to support myself without relying on you so either treat me fair or I can walk out of that door and be just fine!”. Women who decide not to get off their butts and earn a living for themselves can’t stand up for