After careful consideration of the information that has been presented for Ellen Waters, I have decided that she meets the criteria for (F34.1) Persistent Depressive Disorder Severe with atypical features: Early onset. I have come to this conclusion after considering the following information. The synopsis states that Ellen has been referred for a medication consultation by her Psychotherapist whom she has been seeing for the last two years. Criteria A states that the depressed mood has to be present for most of the day, for most days and that this depression must be indicated by “subjective account” or observed by others for at least two years. The observers in this case would be the Psychotherapist that Ellen has been working with and her current boyfriend. …show more content…
She has never worked in one job for more than a few years and has spent much of her adult life as a student”.
6. Feelings of hopelessness: It is described that Ellen began Psychotherapy after it became clear to her that her boyfriend of 4 years had no plans on marrying her and her depression significantly increased.
The specifiers of Atypical Features, Severe and Early onset were all included as Ellen describes the atypical features of mood reactivity, hypersomnia, leaden paralysis and a long standing pattern of interpersonal rejection sensitivity. The ever specifier has been determined based on the fact that she meets all of the criteria in category B.
Necessary Information in an Assessment
If I were to complete an assessment I would also look for other anxiety or conduct disorders. I would look at family history in effort to get a better understanding of what her history with her parents was like. Risk and prognostic factors explains that childhood risk factors include parental loss or separation. Since her first hospitalization/suicidal episode occurred when she was 14 years old, it’s necessary to know what her childhood and upbring was like.