Elvira Bauer's Trust No Fox On His Green Heath

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Trust No Fox on his Green Heath, And No Jew on his Oath, written by Elvira Bauer, is a short children’s book that was published in 1936 as a propaganda tool to promote the antisemitic ideas of the Nazi party in Germany. Firstly, this essay will explore the purpose of Bauer’s piece as a propagandist tool and how it is being used to promote the image of the Inferior Jew, the superior Aryan, and the Nazi state. Secondly, I will examine the antisemitic elements that are used by Bauer to present the Jew. Finally, I will examine the psychological influence that works of this nature had on German children when it was used as an educational tool.
Trust No Fox on his Green Heath, And No Jew on his Oath is a collection of short stories that together are used to promote three main identities that are essential for the German state. The inferior Jew as the enemy of the state, the superior Aryan, and the Reich are the three identities that are the focus of Bauer’s work.
In each short story in the piece, the image of the Jew is weighted against the Aryan German. The contrast between the two images is depicted throughout each segment of the book. The image of the Aryan who earns his bread through honest and hard work, is compared to the filthy Jew who scams, lies, and deceits to earn a living. The purpose of the book is to present to the reader, no matter how young, the fundamental differences between the superiority of the Aryan race against the inferiority of the Jews.
The purpose of