Embryonic Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons

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The researching of embryonic stem cells is raising hope for a lot of ill patients awaiting a cure. However, there is some dilemma because of the moral status of the embryo. Some are for it because it could save the life of a bunch of people. On the other hand it is also destroying a human life. Before people can really make up their minds whether or not to be for or against this new breakthrough, they must first understand all of the facts. They must understand first what embryonic stem cell research is and how it’s impacting society, the ethical implications, the good being done by embryonic stem cell research, the bad that it could cause. Embryonic Stem Cell Research has many opposing views, what is yours? First off, Embryonic Stem Cells …show more content…

This has been a huge debate all by itself for years. Some people say that the morality of an embryo starts and continues from fertilization. People for this argument (morality from fertilization and so on) believe that a human embryo is a human being in the embryonic stage just as an infant is human in the infant stage according to Kristina Hug. Others believe that the embryo is unattached to the uterus wall so it does not matter because the embryo cannot form into a child unless it is attached to the mother. Other debates include no morality, a 14 day expiration and a theory that states the embryo gains morality as it develops. The no morality means that the embryo never gains morality inside or outside of the womb, these are the people who generally agree with embryonic stem cell research and is okay with how the cells are formed. With a 14 day expiration the embryo gains morality two weeks after fertilization. These are the people who generally agree with stem cells as long as the embryo is less than two weeks, after that the embryo has morality and the act becomes wrong. Lastly, an embryo can gain morality as it develops, this can go hand in hand with the expiration we discussed. The embryo gets more and more morality as it becomes older, therefore these people would be only okay with embryonic stem cells if the embryo was really …show more content…

Morals play a huge role inside of preventing suffering because of where the embryonic stem cells come from and what they are used for. Many want to save the life of others but the question still remains: Is it worth ending one life to save another? There are many different views and the answer never gets any easier. Families cannot sit around and watch their family suffer, but on the other side some people cannot understand how someone would want to end a life to get another heart, liver or

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