Emergency Management Case Study Essay

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Selection of case study I selected the case study 9: Office of Emergency Management fakes Press Conference, because it was the one listed in my Managing in the Public Sector text book for my area of specialization. What is the ethical issue or issues involved in the situation? The OES leader in this case study was not prepared for this disaster which was a wildfire. He did not “identify, anticipate, and respond to the risks of catastrophic events in order to reduce to more acceptable levels the probability of their occurrence or the magnitude and duration of their social impacts” (“Chapter 1 introduction”, n.d., p. 4, para. 1). Therefore, when the press and the community stated asking question as to why the OES was not prepared or had the …show more content…

The first ethics fits Phil situation, which I really do not see a problem, but for the business world that do not like to think outside the box, I think that teleological works, because Phil’s “acts would be judged morally right or wrong not in and of themselves, but rather by the results that follow from his actions, therefore, no act is in and of itself right or wrong (Sharp, Aguirre, Kickham, 2011, p. 6, para. 1), for me this one is a no brainer, because it allows Phil to conduct his conference in the best interest of his organization. Now, is it right or wrong, well that all depends on Phil’s protocol for his organization. It seems to me that Phil was just trying to buy some time and he did not want the press pressing him for questions he may not have the answer for at that moment. He may have even needed more time to gather answers for the press …show more content…

10, para. 1). This too fits Phil, because Phil acted in the best interests of his organization. The wildfires put the community in kyos’ mode and he wanted to calm them down as much as possible. He did use deception when he decided to do a fake interview, and he involved his staff not thinking of the consequences of his action which was grave. He just acted morally. Now, was his action morally correct? Well, that would depend who you asked. If you asked his employer, well, they would say, no it was not correct? But if you asked me, I would say yes, because he acted in and for the crisis at hand, based on his moral judgment at that