Emilio Sandoz Sacrifice In His Love Analysis

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As indicated by the quotation, Emilio Sandoz was having an existential crisis. This stemmed from what he believed as a betrayal of his faith, because, since he was given the opportunity to escape the slums of San Juan, Puerto Rico by becoming a Jesuit, he had placed his faith in God’s hands. When Jimmy Quinn first discovered the signal that would become the catalyst for the group’s interstellar travel to the planet of Rakhat, Sandoz was convinced that the signal was a calling from God. “I trusted in His love” refers to the utter dedication that Sandoz had in God’s plans from the moment the journey began up to his captivity. From Alan’s death, to the death of Anne and D.W, Sandoz was convinced that God would right the ship and that everything …show more content…

“I was naked before God and I was raped” has multiple meanings. First, the literal one is that he was stripped naked before he was raped. Also, naked applies to the spiritual commitment that he had to God, that only God could see his true desires. It also connects to clerical celibacy, since he could not marry or pursue a sexual relationship, his body in a way was naked only for God to see. Sandoz also struggled with celibacy, as indicated by his love for Sofia. Coincidentally, Sofia was also a slave during her life; a sex slave when she was forced into prostitution as a youth, and then an intellectual slave working for a private corporation. However, the rape of Sandoz comes as more shocking then any violence that Sofia experienced, because sadly, rape culture normalizes rape towards women, through actions such as victim blaming. Here, the rape of Sandoz by the author, accomplishes the same effect as the “facehugger” did in the Aliens franchise, which is making men uncomfortable. While Aliens focused on making the men in the audience uncomfortable, the rape of Sandoz makes not only the reader uncomfortable, but also the Jesuits who were interrogating Sandoz. The only way to shock an organization that has had countless of its priests killed historically, is to make one of their members experience being