Emotional Desensitization In Fahrenheit 451

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March 9, 2020 was the last day that the world would be considered as “normal”. Corona-Virus dispersed all over the world causing over 6,000 deaths. During this pandemic, it appeared the loss of humanity and a spike in emotional desensitization. In the society of Fahrenheit 451, having a single book could risk your entire life: causing an increase of loss of humanity and emotional desensitization. One simple thing could ruin a whole society, like how covid-19 affected many lives and in similarity, holding the prize position of a book. Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, Mildred Montag utilizes comparison and appeal to show how the loss of humanity has been affecting everyone and the emotional desensitization it has been causing.
The society …show more content…

As if there is no real “humanity” left remaining. As every second goes by, Mildred uses appeal to see the loss of humanity. Believe it or not, there was a point in time where everyone didn’t lack emotions. During one of Clarisse and Montag’s accouterments, Clarisse shares a moment of the past to Montag, “my uncle says his grandfather remembered when children didn’t kill each other” (Bradbury 30). Meanwhile they are having a conversation, Bradbury uses evidence. School should be a place where kids feel welcome and safe but it doesn’t always feel like that. Some people might have different opinions on some things but people start to isolate them, “I’m antisocial, they say. I don’t mix. It’s so strange. I’m very social indeed. It all depends on what you mean by social, doesn’t it?” (Bradbury 29). Every single time the society in Fahrenheit 451 takes three steps forward, they seem to go one step back on humanity. Bradbury utilizes comparison more specifically connotation on how the society has a standard that some might not be able to “reach”. Taking a late night …show more content…

After her trying to kill herself, a lot more emotional desensitization is brought to our attention. Being given so many rules for the society to achieve can start getting exhausting. Mildred as an example, tried to take her life, “his wife stretched on the bed, uncovered and cold, like a body displayed on the life of a tomb, her eyes fixed to the ceiling by invisible threads of steel, immovable” (Bradbury 12). Bradbury gives a simile on how Mildred’s body looked while she was unconscious. Bradbury included Mildred wanting to kill herself to reach out on how important emotional desensitization can be. There are so many things involving emotional desensitization that it caused Guy Montag to kill someone, “Montag shot one continuous pulse of liquid fire on him” (Bradbury 119). Pilling so much emotion onto someone can lash out at any point in time. Anger started to creep over to Montag and lost in the cat-mouse game. As anger was starting to eat Montag, Bradbury gave an image to really see the emotional desensitization he was feeling. In the act of death getting closer, it makes everyone have a second guess about their entire life. Emotional desensitization can just mess with one’s head, “even if she dies, I realized a moment ago, I don’t think I’ll feel sad” (Bradbury 148). Bradbury emphasizes on how Montag wouldn’t feel the grief that he is supposed to feel. When Montag is